HGP – Connected2Fiber Launches Global Assured Near Net Offering

BOSTON — OCTOBER 25, 2021 — Connected2Fiber, The Industry Cloud for Connectivity, announced today that it has launched the industry’s first Assured Near Net service to its global customer base. Near net services are a core part of the connectivity industry that empower network providers to understand locations in close proximity to their existing routes and those networks that are under construction. Trusted knowledge of these sites enables service providers to make granular decisions around building and selling. Connected2Fiber’s Assured Near Net service will deliver the most trusted insight, mapping and assurance capabilities to maximize confidence in sellers when setting price and buyers when making purchasing decisions.
As a platform, The Connected World has now processed more than 500 million sites in proximity to over 6.5 million miles of fiber, ultimately delivering clients increased revenue, a stronger return on investment of their routes, and an improved customer experience. Connected2Fiber has inserted trust in the process of near net opportunity identification with their best-of-breed location intelligence and transformed a space that has traditionally been associated with significant risk from the standpoint of unexpected cost, timing and final implementation plans. Those risks often lead to margins being impacted and customer expectations poorly met when a service provider cannot deliver.
Connected2Fiber’s Assured Near Net service elevates beyond the simplest form of near net analysis, namely straight line or buffer, which calculates the distance from a path or access point to a location based on a straight line and includes every site that falls within a specific distance, such as 1,000 feet. This very imprecise method tends to overstate what a provider can reach and doesn’t take into consideration the impediments along a path. Assured Near Net is also superior to right of way near net calculations, which calculate the distance between the path or access point to the location following the right of way the fiber would be built on and including the private party path from the right of way into the building where the fiber would connect.
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