HGP – Mobile Posse Kicks Off its Next Phase with New Platform, Headquarters
ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA — Greg Wester stands at the front of a crowded room, microphone in hand, peering at a sheet of paper and calling out words from a list that describe either mobile content marketing company Mobile Posse or the present or past of the telecom industry it serves. It is the night of the recent open house celebrating Mobile Posse’s move into a new, expanded headquarters in Arlington, Va. and the launch of its new Firstly Mobile service platform. Wester is playing the role of bingo caller as company founder and CEO Jon Jackson looks on, and employees around the room mark their cards.
“Frictionless! Feature phones!” Wester calls. “Discoverable!”
‘Discoverable’ content is the sweet spot where Mobile Posse aims to help operators gain a foothold. Content companies such as Facebook have made an art out of social media feeds that put tailored content at users’ fingertips, just a scroll and a click away — aka, frictionless — and monetized them. In August, Mobile Posse was recognized by Inc. Media as one of the country’s fastest-growing private companies: it reported three-year revenue growth of 387%. That growth was reflected in the move into a larger headquarters.
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