TIM Launches Personal Cloud Service For 72M Brazilians, Powered by Funambol

Tier-1 operator addresses strategic opportunity to simplify the digital lives of mobile users
Foster City, CA, May 28, 2014 – Funambol, the leading provider of white-label personal cloud solutions, and TIM, a tier-1 mobile operator with 72 million subscribers in Brazil, today announced that the TIM Protect Backup service, powered by Funambol, is live for TIM Brazil customers. The personal cloud service automatically secures user data (contacts and calendars), rich media (pictures, videos and music) and files in the cloud, syncs these across mobile devices and computers, and allows sharing via email and social networks. This simplifies the digital lives of mobile consumers as their important data and content is automatically backed up, available anytime and easily shared. The service supports all popular smartphones, tablets and personal computers. It is managed by FS VAS, a premier provider of mobile value added services in South America. The data is stored in Brazil with AWS technology. For more about the service, see TIM’s website.
“As people use more mobile devices, having an easy way to back up valuable data, access it anytime and share it becomes important”, said Alberto Leite, CEO at FS VAS. “TIM is pleased to offer Protect Backup, powered by Funambol and managed by FS VAS, to simplify the digital lives of mobile customers.”
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