HGP – OptionOne Replaces Styrofoam with TemperPack’s Plant-Based Packaging

Pharmacy Becomes First in Oklahoma to Make Sustainable Shift
OKLAHOMA CITY, Oct. 16, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — OptionOne Pharmacy® announced that the company has replaced expanded polystyrene (EPS), more commonly known as Styrofoam®, for all of its home deliveries of temperature-controlled medications. The company has shifted to ClimaCell®, a plant-based, curbside recyclable material manufactured by TemperPack®.
ClimaCell is the only curbside recyclable thermal insulation material to receive the “Widely Recyclable” designation from How2Recycle®, a program of the Sustainable Packaging Coalition. Because it is plant-based rather than plastic-based, ClimaCell reduces CO2 emissions by 86% compared to Styrofoam. Most important, it has high thermal performance, similar to that of Styrofoam, with comparable R-Values at similar thicknesses. R-Value is a material’s resistance to conductive heat flow.
OptionOne is leading the way in developing and providing personalized infusion therapy solutions that help patients transition from hospital care to home care. The decision to shift to ClimaCell is one of many initiatives the company is taking to live out its “always better than yesterday” core value. “We recognized that the health of the planet is a big part of patient health. Reducing CO2 emissions and plastic waste just made sense for our patients, employees, and the planet,” said Logistics Manager Marvin Denny.
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